Freitag, 10. April 2020

Craftbot 3 Support G-Code

Chief Engineer's log..

Stardate -302747.32657862775

The Craftbot 3 supports gcode, but as it uses a closed source firmware which means what codes it supports can't be looked up in the usual reprap place (Gcode) or in the documentation of a 3D printer firmware such as marlin or reprap_firmware. Craftunique has a list of supported codes on their support page, but these are generic and not machine specific and it doesn't offer a great deal of documentation. The CB machine supports quite a few commands in the M1xxx range that aren't standard and are very specific to the Craftbot printers. Luckily it is possible to query the printer for its supported gcode using M1000 which returns a list of supported gcode. This Blog tries to list the supported codes and give a brief description of its use. A very good place to find such a list can also be found on which offers very useful information about the Craftbot printers in general. But it is not CB3 specific and list codes not supported by this machine.

I will update this list as i get more information on the individual codes. for now its as is reported by M1000.


G0: Linear move: E F S X Y Z
G1: Linear move: E F S X Y Z
G2: Draw lin arc: E F I J U X Y
G3: Draw lin arc: E F I J U X Y
G4: Dwell: P S
G20: Set units to inches.
G21: Set units to millimeters.
G28: Move to origin: X Y Z
G90: Set to absolute positioning.
G91: Set to relative positioning.
G92: Set position: E S X Y Z
G101: Relative linear move: E F X Y Z
G197: Pause.


M18: Disable stepper motors.
M73: M73 progressbar refresh: P S
M82: Set extruder to absolute mode.
M83: Set extruder to relative mode.
M84: Stop idle hold: S
M104: Set extruder temperature: Q S T
M105: Get temperature of extruders and bed: P T
M106: Turn cooling fan on: S T
M107: Turn cooling fan off.
M109: Set and wait head temperature: Q S T
M110: Print Start or Stop: S
M114: Get current position.
M115: Get firmware version.
M140: Set bed temperature: H L S
M190: Set and wait bed temperature: S
M220: Set speed override percent: S
M221: Set extrusion override percent: S
M300: Play beep sound: P S
M422: Start Head Preparation.
M423: ...: E F T
M424: ...: E F
M425: Set nozzle wipe position: S
M430: Head change ZHop settings: F Z
M431: Head change Exit Retract settings: E F
M432: Head change Enter Retract settings: E F
M433: Head change Enter Prime settings: E F
M900: Linear advance beta version: A D K
M1000: Print supported G and M codes
M1001: Get Printer Version.
M1002: Get unique ID: S
M1003: Get firmware version: S
M1004: Get HMI version.
M1005: Get HMI board version: S
M1006: Set limits s=1 Case / S=2 Head: H L S T
M1014: Get ADC values: S
M1015: Get PWM duty.
M1114: Get machine coordinates.
M1115: Get queue.
M1123: Set T7 pin high or low: S
M1160: Fan control (Case,Dome,Head,Obj): C D H O T
M1200: Set feed properties: F H L
M1202: Set axis soft limit: E X Y Z
M1203: Set XY acceleration: A D F
M1204: Set Z acceleration: A D F
M1210: Set extruder correction: F K
M1212: Set thermal runaway: Q S
M1300: Set extruders PID: D F I P W
M1301: Set bed PID: D F I P W
M1400: Start heating and waiting: B E H P Q T
M5000: Set XY Z jog feed: X Z
M5001: Set mechanical parameters: E X Z
M5002: Set XY offset: X Y
M7001: Set WIFI SSID/Pass.
M7005: Set e-mail address.
M7008: Overwrite Wi-Fi SSID.
M8010: Read errors.
M8020: Set thermal motor warning: S
M9006: Set print mode: Q S X
M9090: Set parser limits: S X Y Z
T0: Select tool 1: F S X Y Z
T1: Select tool 2: F S X Y Z

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